5 Tips for Starting a New Workout Routine

Guest Blogger – Janice Hutton of Hutton Health

Table of Contents:

  1. Problems a lack of exercise can cause
  2. Common reasons people feel they can’t start an exercise program
  3. Ways to reframe your thinking to start an exercise program
  4. 5 tips to fuel your motivation to keep you on track

5 Tips for Starting a New Workout Routine

The motivation to start exercising can come from a variety of places. Perhaps your GP delivered a health scare based on your current health and fitness levels, you weren’t able to keep to your children to walk along the seaside, or you realised that your clothing no longer fits.

It can seem daunting to start exercising if you are unhappy with your health and fitness level, with questions like:

  • How do you get the motivation to exercise?
  • How do you find time to exercise?
  • What do you need to wear to exercise?
  • What are the best exercises for a beginner?
  • How much do you need to exercise?

The most challenging part of starting a new workout routine is taking the first step to get started.

Problems a lack of exercise can cause

There are many consequences to living a sedentary lifestyle. Often these aren’t realised until a health scare or illness removes the belief that ‘this won’t happen to me’.

Sitting for long, uninterrupted periods of time may leave you more prone to cardiovascular problems. Physical inactivity increases the risk of many adverse health conditions, including:

  • coronary heart disease (CHD),
  • type 2 diabetes
  • breast and colon cancers
  • shortens life expectancy.

A lack of physical exercise can also increase your feelings of anxiety and depression, leading you to feel lonely and isolated – something we know only too well after the pandemic! Exercise releases endorphins and serotonin, hormones that make us feel good.

The World Health Organisation recommends 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. There are many benefits to spreading the exercise throughout each day, rather than fewer bouts of movement.

Committing to exercising even 5 minutes a day adds up and will have positive effects on your mental and physical health.


Common reasons people feel they can’t start an exercise program

It is easy to find excuses for why you should wait to start an exercise program. Common reasons why people feel they CAN’T start an exercise programme that I hear from prospective clients include…

  • Nervous about being seen in exercise clothing
  • Unsure what to do or how much to do it to start exercising
  • Fearful of trying something new
  • You feel you have ‘failed’ before on your fitness, health or weight loss journey, so you are destined to ‘fail’ again
  • You feel like you don’t have the time to exercise or prioritise your health
  • You lack the energy you feel you need to exercise
  • You are ‘comfortable’ being ‘uncomfortable’
  • Exercise has felt uncomfortable when you have tried to workout previously, so you dread trying again

Changing your mindset is key in taking control of your health and fitness. In order to feel stronger, healthier and more confident in your body, it is important to remember that you are stronger than your excuses!


Here are ways to reframe your thinking to start an exercise program:

  • Nervous about being seen in exercise clothing

Try not to focus on how you LOOK, instead, focus on how you will FEEL after your workout.

Remember, no one will be paying attention to what you are wearing or what you look like. Truly, when I see someone in a gym, walking or running down the street, or doing any form of exercise, I don’t notice what they are wearing, I feel proud of them for doing something that will make them FEEL good.

The great news is that you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to increase your fitness and improve your health.

  • Unsure what exercises to do and when to do it

Any purposeful movement will have a positive effect on your body and on your mental health. Try not to get fixed on needing to have a ‘perfect’ workout program to start exercising.

It is easy to get caught up in the latest exercise trends, such as these recent posts I saw on social media; ‘Lose 10 many pounds in 30 days’ and ‘How to get a flat tummy with these 6 moves’. Ignore the ‘noise’ and keep it simple – move your body in a way you enjoy!

If you are someone who likes to have a program to follow, Hutton Health offers monthly memberships and personalized programmes that offer you:
-a structured programme
-the expertise of an experienced coach in your pocket
-the accountability, motivation and support of a coach
-live online workouts you can join from the comfort of your home (with your screen on or off, your choice!

  • Fearful of trying something new

Exercise doesn’t need to be complicated or push you out of your comfort zone to try new activities.

Start small with movements you are comfortable with, such as a 5 minute walk, to get your body moving and take the first step.

Once you do your first walk or your first workout, it will no longer be ‘new’.

  • You feel you have ‘failed’ before, so you are destined to ‘fail’ again

There is no failure in a journey of fitness and health. You don’t need to transform your entire lifestyle, diet or exercise routine to improve your fitness and health.

Small changes have big results, focus on little actions each day and celebrate every one of your successes, no matter how small.

The goal isn’t to make drastic changes to your exercise levels to quickly improve your fitness, but instead to implement small movements and exercises that allow for sustainable lifestyle changes over time.

Improving your health and fitness is a journey.

  • You feel like you don’t have the time

Exercise doesn’t need to be an hour long, sweat inducing exercise session that leaves you aching and exhausted. All purposeful movement has a positive effect on your mental and physical health.
-Do some squats while you wait for the kettle to boil
-Do some calf raises while you brush your teeth
-Park in a further away parking spot to increase your steps
-Take the stairs instead of the lift

Include movement breaks in the small pockets of time you have during the day. It is much easier to find the motivation and time to fit in a 5 minute movement break rather than expecting yourself to fit in an hour long workout.

  • You lack the energy you feel you need to exercise

As you start to move your body more and increase your fitness and health, you will feel like you have more energy to carry on. The key is to build momentum and consistency to kick your lethargy!

This blog post shares tips on fitting workouts into a busy schedule.

  • You are ‘comfortable’ being ‘uncomfortable’

You deserve more than feeling stuck in a body that you aren’t comfortable in.
You deserve to look in the mirror and appreciate the body that allows you to do the things you love with the people you love.


Here are 5 tips to fuel your motivation to start an exercise programme and keep you on track.

1. Focus on progress, not perfection

Workouts will not always go to plan. Do not let a missed workout or an exercise session that did not go as you had hoped put you off.

Each day, wake up with intention to fit purposeful movement into your day.

2. Choose an exercise routine that fits your schedule

Shift your mindset from thinking that a workout needs to be a long and challenging bootcamp that leaves you panting and dripping in sweat. Choose movement that fits in to your day, even if that means a 5-minute strength session or a 15 minute walk.

Focusing on moving your body every day has benefits for your mind and body. By incorporating shorter workouts into your busy days, it provides a routine that is easier for you to follow.

Consider scheduling exercise breaks in your day in the same way you book in other important meetings and engagements. Look at exercise as a non-negotiable commitment to yourself.

3. Find workouts that you enjoy doing

Exercising in a way that you enjoy will help motivate you to include exercise as a regular part of your routine.

There are so many ways to move your body; dancing, swimming, walking, biking, strength training, yoga, running, the list is endless! Find something that you enjoy doing.

Participating in activities that make you feel good will help to incorporate these in to your schedule for the long term.

4. Listen to your body when starting an exercise program

Our bodies are all different. Tune in to where you are at to ensure that you ease into new activities or exercise programs.

If you push too quickly, you can risk injury or soreness that will make it more difficult to stick to your program.

5. Share your health and fitness goals

By creating and sharing health and fitness goals, you are held accountable for your progress.

A goal can help keep you focused and committed to your exercise programme. Post your goal where it is visible to you for added motivation.

Not all goals are created equal. Download Hutton Health’s free Goal Setting Workbook to ensure you are setting effective health and fitness goals.

Exercise truly is for every BODY.

It is easy to put off your health and fitness goals to start next week, next month, next year…..but there are an abundance of reasons to start exercising now.

Investing in YOUR body and YOUR health is the number one thing that you can do for yourself.

David Breaker
David Breaker
Articles: 24